Saturday, February 25, 2006

Continuing to fight to get the truth out to all women

I am not going to give up my fight to make sure that Australian women know the truth about Mifepristone and Misoprostone (RU486). Just imagine what a woman has to go through by taking the Mifepristone alone. There are the strong period pains that are so strong that they are unbearable. There is the possibility of seeing the form of the little fetus as it is being flushed down the toilet. Imagine going two days and discovering that the fetus has not been expelled from the womb, so that it is necessary to take Misoprostone. Taking this drug increases the risk of getting a deadly infection that is related to toxic shock syndrome. The pain that the woman experiences is not something that is slight, but it is excruciating. Then there is the heavy bleeding and all of the risks associated with heavy bleeding. How many of the women for whom these doctors, such as Dr. Da Costa will end up on the theatre table for a surgical abortion because of the failure of those two drugs? How many will need emergency treatment because of heavy blood loss?

Dr. Da Costa seems to be living under the illusion that there will be no side effects when RU486 is given to aboriginal women in remote locations in Australia. She seems to be oblivious of the extra risks that are associated with age and with the colour of a woman's skin. There is an increased risk for black women, and so I question whether or not Aboriginal women will fall into the same category.

Has Dr. Da Costa considered the fact that the woman might have an ectopic pregnancy? Will her practice provide the women with an ultra sound prior to the administration of this dangerous drug? Is she aware that the manufacturer of Misoprostone has clearly stated that there is a contraindication for pregnant women and warns against its use in these circumstances? Does she ever talk about the women having their babies and then adopting them out? It seems to me that Dr. Da Costa seems a bit too keen to introduce this dangerous drug into Australia.

As usual women are not being informed the truth about something that can affect their future well-being. There are dangers attached to aborting an infant, and I am not talking about the damage to their souls as they move further away from God as a result of their actions. Australian women should be demanding to know the truth, and they need to stop blindly accepting everything that the leadership of the Australian feminists believe. They need to stand up for themselves and be truly independent in thought, spirit and in body.

I am not finished with this topic and if Julie da Costa thinks that she will have an easy ride for the introduction of RU486 then she could be wrong if those people who are in the know continue their work in opposition to its introduction. This form of abortion is not more convenient for the woman. Fancy having to return to the office of the doctor for at least two more visits to accomplish the abortion!!! Women should steer clear of this option.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Disappointment and a vow to keep informing women about RU486

I feel so disapoointed because the House of Representatives of the Australian parliament followed the bad example of the Senate and voted in favour of what has to be an amendment of shame and a curse for all fecund women.

I am disappointed because the politicians on both sides of politics failed to do the research into RU486 and discover the truth about a drug that is neither safe nor effective when used as an abortifacient. I am alarmed because now there is talk of putting RU486 into pharmacies. Such talk is totally irresponsible.

I have not finished reading the material provided by Renate Klein. Although this material is relatively old, the data is extremely accurate. Women who find themselves in a situation where they would contemplate an abortion need to be made aware of the risks associated with RU486. They are not being told that for a large number of pregnant women the drug failed to do the task. They are not being told that they could end up having a surgical procedure anyway. They are not being informed about the length of time it can take before Mifepristone appears to have worked.

I am writing from the point of view of what is best for pregnant women, not just from a right to life perspective. I believe that pregnant women are not being properly informed about the obvious risks that stem from using RU486, and they are not being informed about the possibility of heavy bleeding. Neither are they being told about the fact that they risk their own lives by making the decision to take this lethal drug.

I feel disappointed because the debate that took place in the parliament was overshadowed by the belief that this was a Right to Life issue, and that it was all about being anti-abortion, or pro-abortion. However, the people who threw up the smokescreen regarding the real issues will have to face up to what they have done in the future.

I feel very let down by the female senators and house of representatives who voted in favour of making the change. I find that their reasoning at best was hysterical and that they were overreacting to the campaign that was in fact waged by both pro-choice and pro-lfe parties. This issue had united these two groups together in order to fight the amendment. The Therapeutic Goods Administration now has control over the importation of this poison.

I promise that I will keep the fight against RU486 going. I intend to keep scouring the Internet for stories. The fight is not over, for it is just beginning.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Senate vote is in

I must admit that I am disappointed that the women who sit as senators in the Australian Senate do not have the brains to do the necessary research regarding the safety hazards concerning RU486. They voted solidly in favour of stripping the Minister for Health of the responsibility of letting this drug into Australia.

My gravest concern regarding this action is that they have pushed this as an abortion/anti-abortion issue. However, this is not the case. The issue is the level of safety for people who are given RU486 is not guaranteed because there has been insufficient research prior to its introduction. There are pro-choice people who are very much against the introduction of RU486 as a means of procuring abortion. However, their voices are being drowned out by the hysteria of women such as Lynne Allyson who has proudly announced that she had an abortion. Ms. Allyson has failed in a duty of care because she has not taken the time to learn about the deaths and other injuries associated with chemical abortions. She should take the time to read the book written by Renate Klein and her associates regarding the alarming dangers of RU486.

The hysteria during this week reached an all time low in the history of Australian politics. The issue has been hijacked by women who claim that they have the right to control their ovaries, and so they were heard to chant at Tony Abbott that he should keep his hands on his rosaries and "off my ovaries". It was an effort to drown out those who are seeking to put the truth out into the community. Australian women are not being informed about the truth concerning RU486.

Now that the Senate vote has been made, the amendment must go to the lower house of the parliament, and another vote must be taken. The fight is not over, and it means that we must continue to seek to inform our parliamentarians that this is not about abortion on demand, but about keeping out of Australia, a drug that will take women back to the dark days when the rate of maternal deaths from complications of procured miscarriage were a lot higher than the present time.

Our fight must now move towards informing women in remote areas that chemical abortion is neither safe nor effective, and that if they live in a very remote area of Australia they have a higher risk of dying because of the possible complications associated with taking Mifepristone and the progesterine. If a woman living in a remote region of Australia were to suffer from heavy bleeding, which is a widely discussed side effect of this form of abortion, then she is in a higher risk category of dying as a result of those complications. I cannot envisage that the doctors who are pushing for the use of RU486 are going to be responsible enough to closely monitor their patients. They see RU486 as a means giving the pills to the women and then just sending them on their way.

I continue to question the wisdom of the women parliamentarians who seem so willing to cause harm to other Australian women through their attempt to get access to RU486. They do not want to hear the truth. They prefer to listen to the lie that RU486 is safe and effective.