Thursday, September 13, 2007

Cut-price IVF for the women who donate their eggs for research

Cut-price IVF for the women who donate their eggs for research | the Daily Mail

This is yet another dangerous move. It seems that the powers that be are intent upon research that is in reality a total failure. People are being led to believe that this research will produce cures for various diseases and they do not understand that there are no guarantees that this will be the case because embryonic stem cell research has so far failed to produce anything that is of worth or value.

Now it seems, that women who are desperate to have a baby through IVF are being encouraged to give up some of their harvested eggs for this unethical research. Putting a woman in such a position should in truth be found to be unethical. However, it seems that people are so caught up with the idea that embryonic stem cell research can produce results that they fail to see the inherent dangers for the potential mothers in IVF and the general harvesting of a woman's eggs.

Clear thinking women should not allow their bodies to be used for research in this way, and they should not allow these researchers to take their eggs for unethical research. Women should tell the researchers "Hands off my ovaries"

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Daily Mail Pulls Graphic Account of Abortion After Blogger Excerpts It

Daily Mail Pulls Graphic Account of Abortion After Blogger Excerpts It |

The Daily Mail had an article on abortion that gives the views of women who have gone through the process. Most of the women had regrets but three of them had no regrets. One of those three women who had no regrets detailed the process of a "chemical" abortion at 15 weeks pregnant.

It is alarming to think that RU-486 is given to women so late in a pregnancy. Even at 15 weeks this is a very dangerous move for the woman. However, what we have from the graphic description of what took place:

By the time I had the abortion, I was 15 weeks and two days pregnant. I went into hospital with my best friend for moral support, and the nurse gave me tablets to bring on labour. Because I was so far into the pregnancy, I had to give birth rather than have a straightforward abortion.

It was horrendous. After two hours the contractions started, and I clung onto the hand of the midwife. Once I felt the baby starting to come, I had to go into the toilet and let it drop onto a stainless steel tray.

"Don't look," said the midwife. "Keep your eyes straight in front of you and walk away immediately." There was no way I could have looked down and seen my baby. I was numb.

This would have to be one of the most callous ways of "getting rid of it" that I have ever seen in print. The midwife alone seems to be someone who lacks compassion or sympathy for the little lives that are being destroyed.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A misleading conclusion has been reached on the long term effects of RU486

Study: Abortion pills don't boost later miscarriage risks -

"In the new study, researchers used a national abortion registry to identify all women in Denmark who had abortions between 1999 and 2004, and then got information on later pregnancies from national patient and birth registries.

Denmark is the only country with an abortion registry, said study co-author Dr. Jun "Jim" Zhang of the National Institutes of Health.

They looked at tubal pregnancies, in which a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus -- usually in the fallopian tubes. Such a situation fails to nurture the embryo and endangers the mother.

The new study found tubal pregnancies occurred at the same frequency -- about 2.5 percent of the time -- in both the medical and surgical groups. The rates of miscarriage, early deliveries and low birth weight babies also were similar.

Researchers were unable to take into account mother's history of smoking, previous tubal pregnancies or other factors not detailed in the registries. But they believed it did not affect their results."

The authors of the new study in the New England journal have reached an interesting but misleading conclusion. What the study actually shows is that the risk of a tubal pregnancy after a medical abortion is about the same as that of using another method that is probably a lot safer to the woman's health in the long term. The conclusion is misleading because the study has shown that the risks of low birth rate, miscarriage and early deliveries are the same. What this study shows in truth is that there are no benefits in using RU486 because the no matter what type of abortion a woman's hormones have been messed up as a result of the abortion.

The writer makes some other illogical observations over the alleged convenience of using RU486 and the risk of dying as a result of using this drug is overlooked.

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Plan B sales increase - what about STD's

Morning-after pill sales jump as access eases -

Since Plan B was allowed to be sold without prescription sales of this drug have increased. These foolish men and women who have decided to risk their health rather than accept responsibility for their actions are being led astray by the likes of Planned Parenthood.

The real question that needs to be answered is:

with the increase in the sales of the morning after pill has there also been an increase in the number of reported STDs ?

and a second question that needs to be answered is:

has there been a sudden increase in the number of teenagers or young women dying suddenly and prematurely as a result of conditions associated with female hormones etc?

has there been a sudden surge in the number of cases of toxic shock syndrome due to mysterious causes?

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Hospital will use RU486

Hospital will use RU486 - National -

So the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne intends to use RU486, using women in an experiment that has no known long term effects and has the potential to kill the women who take the drug.

The intended use of this drug is very alarming because the hospital is intending to use it on late term pregnancies. There is sufficient reason to have alarm bells ringing because all caution is being thrown to the wind when it comes to the effort to introduce abortion on demand, to the detriment of our population.

However, wait, there is more to this story than meets the eye, because the new Victorian premier, John Brumby intends to decriminalize abortion. He has to be kidding - right? Wrong. There is no stopping the left wing when it comes to finding ways of legally murdering the population. The unborn are a legitimate target for this form of genocide. Women will be pushed into abortions, when they know that they want to keep the baby.

The introduction of RU486 is something that should be stopped from ever happening. Women will suffer in the long term because no regard is being given to the effect that this will have on their hormones. Pregnancy affects a woman's hormones to the point that some women end up with mental illness as a result of giving birth - post natal depression is due in part to the changes in a woman's hormones during pregnancy and after the birth of the child. How much more of a disruption is there when there is an abortion? Even women who have naturally miscarried have suffered as a result of the hormonal changes.

Wait, there is more. At the same time, the doctors at the Royal Women's Hospital in Melbourne are showing little or no regard for the fact that some women have lost their lives as a result of taking RU486. There has been little research into why the deaths happened in the first place. What we do know is that the women ended up with an infection. Unfortunately, the investigating officer in the USA FDA had his own agenda and came up with a conclusion that RU486 was not to blame, however, I believe that this conclusion is wrong.

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Part-human embryos are a chilling step closer as watchdog gives go-ahead for hybrid 'chimeras'

What is the most likely next step when human embryos and human eggs are in short supply? It seems that for scientists in Britain who continue to flog the belief that embryonic stem cell research is worth the waste of money that the answer is to do the research using hybrids. The Daily Mail reports that the scientists involved in stem cell research are applying to be allowed to create their hybrid chimeras, probably out of cow's eggs because there is not a shortage of supply for these eggs.

The whole process of embryonic stem cell research is in fact questionable. So far there has not been any research from embryonic stem cells that has been in any way successful with regards to the objectives of the researchers. Whenever the subject arises in the press there is always the emotive mention of such diseases as Alzheimers and Parkinson's Disease, and both of these diseases affect the brain. In the case of Parkinsons' Disease there is a deficiency in the hormone dopamine. To me it is obvious that the research should be pointing towards why some people end up having a lack of dopamine in the brain, that is, how many people with Alzheimer's Disease and with Parkinsons' Disease have had a history of poor dietary habits. Could these diseases be avoided simply by having a healthy diet? If it is not diet that is a factor then other answers need to be found. I do not believe that playing with embyros, and especially hybrids is going to bring about any answers in the forseeable future.

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