Sunday, March 05, 2006

News of the Day #261 - Mechanism of abortion pill toxicity explained

News of the Day #261 - Mechanism of abortion pill toxicity explained

The use of Mifepristone and Misoprostone, that is RU486 can lead to toxic shock syndrome. It is important to understand that Mifepristone was originally developed to treat Cushing's syndrome. However, once it was discovered to be useful as an abortifacient, the French scientists who developed the drug worked on making it available to women as a form of abortion. It must be remembered that the drug was placed on the market in Europe after an inadequate period of testing.

Mifepristone, when taken as an abortifacient increases the risk of post pregnancy toxic shock. This presents as an allergic reaction to the drug.

Patient perception seems to be that the alternative of using Mifepristone and Misoprostone is safe and effective. However, the manufacturer of Misoprostone warns against using the product as an abortifacient. Why does Planned Parenthood, as well as a variety of abortion clinics persist in presenting this perception to their clients? Why do feminists continue to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to the safety of RU486? Do these women want their daughters to use this form of abortion and risk dying?

It must be noted again that there have been 637 reports of adverse events. Of these events, 237 have been for heavy bleeding - 168 were serious, 42 life threatening, and one fatal.

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