Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Promising news on stem cell research and time to stop listening to the rhetoric

Once again we have more proof that the embryonic stem cell research industry has been holding governments to moral ransom by demanding funding for research that has so far produced failure. However, on another front there has been some very promising news regarding the stem cells that are available through amniotic fluid.

With this kind of advance, perhaps it is time that we should spend more checking out the rhetoric that we are being fed by a publicity machine that is keen to put forward only one point of view. There is no better example of how the publicity machine works than the way in which the doctors pushing for the introduction of Mifepristone are pushing their case. Here in Australia one clinic has resorted to the use of Methotrexate, a drug that is used for cancer and arthritis patients in order to bring on a chemical abortion. Women are being informed that this is a safe alternative for their bodies, and they are not being told about the properties of Methotrexate.

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