This report is very much of concern because the MSM is once again pushing the notion that RU-486 is not dangerous to the health of the woman, and that it is safe for a woman to be given the second lot of tablets to take at home. I suppose that it does not matter that there have been close to 10 deaths associated with this drug.
Comments by leading medical associations suggest that laws could be relaxed to allow women to take drugs that induce a miscarriage while at home.
They also conclude that women should no longer have to seek the signatures of two doctors if they want an early abortion, as it can cause unnecessary delay and distress.
The recommendations emerged in evidence to MPs who are conducting an inquiry into abortion legislation, which could be amended later this year.
Women opting for a drug-induced abortion in Britain are given two tablets under medical supervision.
The first, mifepristone, blocks pregnancy hormones and detaches the foetus from the womb. The second, misoprostol, is taken two days later and leads to a miscarriage within a few hours.
Women are currently administered both pills in a hospital or clinic but if the law is changed they may be able to take the second stage of the course at home.
The Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV stated in its evidence that: "It is perfectly safe for the second stage of early medical abortion to be carried out at home within the structure of properly organised services."
However, advisers from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists gave warning that more research was required before any changes were made to the law.
Their report says: "Regarding abortion at home, there is an increasing body of evidence from both developed and developing countries that home use of mifepristone/misoprostol is safe, effective and acceptable to many women.
"More work is needed to assess safety and acceptability in the UK context."
The RCOG and the British Medical Association supports scrapping the rule requiring women to obtain two signatures to get a termination, a move regarded as significant for the college which has not previously challenged current abortion law.
The college concludes that the upper time limit for abortions, of 24 weeks, should not be reduced as the chances of a child surviving before that have not been significantly improved. The opinions bring them into line with the British Medical Association and the Royal College of Nursing.
The evidence will form the centre of debate on the Bill next week, which comes almost 40 years after abortion was first legalised in Britain, and could lead to changes in the law as many MPs have signalled that they will be guided in their decisions by medical opinion.
But not all on the committee will be in support of the two bodies. Dr Bob Spink, the Conservative MP for Castle Point, said: "I am not a Catholic or a black and white anti-abortionist but I think the RCOG and BMA have been overcome by political correctness.
"This is the most important decision a woman can make and she must think carefully before choosing to end the life of her child."
The number of terminations in Britain has reached record levels and one woman in three has an abortion before she is 45.
A spokesman for the Department of Health said there were no plans to change the law to allow women to have abortions at home.
The drugs are not licensed to be used in the home and the second drug can only legally be given by a registered medical professional.
The opinion of the Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV can only be called both unreliable and unsafe to follow. This committee is putting forward an opinion that is seen to be politically correct, but not necessarily in the interests of women in general. The problem here is that the truth is not being told about the dangers of taking RU-486 and how many women have suffered the kind of adverse effects that could result in the loss of a woman's life.Likewise, the Royal College of Obstericians and Gynaecologists are being politically correct in their report, but they are not being honest about the number of women who have suffered adverse effects from taking RU-486, which makes this form of abortion more dangerous than the surgical procedures that are offered in the hospitals. So far there is no long term study on the possibility of the development of hormone related cancers relating to the use of the combined drugs used in RU-486.
The attitude of the British doctors needs a real overhaul because they are making decisions based upon a poor collection of statistics. They have completely ignored the fact that there have been women who have died as a result of having this medical abortion. In the USA the deaths were whitewashed by a member of the FDA who did not conduct a thorough study on why those women died. To claim that it was not related to the medical abortions was utter nonsense, because the infection that they contracted was in fact due to that procedure. The medication itself had nothing to do with the particular infection, thus the whitewash of the true adverse effects of RU-486.
If there must be an abortion, then a surgical procedure in a clean hospital is the best outcome for the woman. However, most abortions are not medically necessary and they really are only for selfish reasons.
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